Tag Archive | baking

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice: Homemade Crackers

Hello, readers,

This is just a quick post to share a recipe I just tried with great success! I used the “Homemade Crackers” recipe from Kitchen Joy Blog.

The video below is from her YouTube channel showing the process.

I made the following changes:

  • My dough only took 1/3 cup of water before forming into a ball.
  • I added the crackers into the oven for 10 minutes without checking on them because I know my oven tends to under bake things a little.
  • I let the crackers cool on the hot pan, and that really made a difference in their crispness compared to taking them off the pan while they were still hot.
  • I didn’t top them with melted butter or salt when they came out of the oven.

I was also able to use some of my adorable cookie cutters to make cute crackers!

Rolled dough cut with cat-shaped cookie cutters.

Cooked crackers shaped like cats and hearts.

The crackers taste buttery, but not overwhelmingly so. It’s somewhat like a club cracker, which were my favorite snack-type cracker from the grocery store. The crispy, crunchy texture is very important to making them seem like crackers instead of plain/bland cookies, though, so rolling them thin and getting them to toast is important.

I made as many cute shaped crackers as I could, and then I just rerolled the dough and cut rectangular crackers out of it to use it all up.

Rectangular crackers. Cracker interior texture.

My mother got my partner and me a food processor for Christmas 2020, so this recipe was very quick and simple to make. We never buy crackers, so it’s great that I’ve found this recipe so we can have crackers whenever we could use them.

Cat-shaped and heart-shaped homemade crackers arranged on a plate.

Sometimes, stay simple,
